Specializing in Documentary, Editorial, and Fine Art Photography. Christopher Brown is a photographer and filmmaker who uses sincere storytelling and multi-disciplinary platforms to spark positive change in the world.

Born out of fire, our world cycles between thermal extremes. The ice clouds reciprocate the icy glaciers while solar flares create a choreographed masterpiece in the night skies.
Forever evolving, the magic can last a lifetime, as the glacier creeps on its journey towards it oceanic release, or escaped out of sight in the blink of an eye as a geyser releases pressure from below.

"Christopher Brown’s landscape photography offers a joyous reflection on the monumental scale and beauty of the American West. The gorgeous tones of the palladium prints capture in stunning detail scenes from the Mojave Desert, the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, and beyond. Brown’s straightforward depiction of his subject matter allows for uninhibited appreciation of the visual splendor so abundant in the United States."

A wise old Owl sat in an Oak: The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? (Anonymous)
A special thank you to Kielder Water Birds of Prey Center www.kwbopc.com

What happens when water tumbles over a rock or down a steep slope? Aqua Cadens, is just that, a collection of water under the influence of gravity and photographic light, utilizing long exposure creating a curtain of silky water has been the paint brush of the classical photographer. Photographed using both analog and digital methods, Aqua Cadens have been captured by the silver bromide in the emulsion or digitized and pixelated to create water with personalities.

The People we meet shape our lives, every experience and interaction is ingrained upon us, it moulds our morals and ethics. After every interaction we choose what to hold onto and what to discard as we continue through the journey of life.

Farming in the rural communities of the Mid Western American states was the primary economy of the New America.Cultivating the often rugged landscapes before the invention of self driven machinery was a labor intensive task during the 1800s.The heritage of a forgotten age of farming is scattered throughout the region as a reminder of days gone by.

The City of Independence for America. Philadelphia is steeped with history, the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Liberty Bell, the City of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia is an American Icon, a diverse city, it is a city made up of neighborhoods all with their own identity and this cultural mix makes Philadelphia a truly modern city.

We share this wonderful world with so many amazing creatures. The continent of North America is home to a many a species of Animals, the furry, hairy, feathery friends of humans have, and still provide vital sustenance for our existence and yet they also provide such beauty showing the power of nature.

Tree photography has captured the imagination of photographers and the viewer alike. The twists and turns, the amorphic shapes of these living organisms provides hours of enjoyment for all parties. Whether the photograph frame focuses on a detail or a wider vantage point to describe the location. Portraits of these Genus Juniperus each tell an individual story unique and secret between them and the viewer.

"… you are in the desert. So immerse yourself in it. The desert will give you an understanding of the world; in fact, anything on the face of the earth will do that. You don’t even have to understand the desert: all you have to do is contemplate a simple grain of sand, and you will see in it all the marvels of creation.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

"Most color photography, in short, been either formless or pretty. In the first case the meanings of color have been ignored; in the second they have been at the expense of allusive meanings. While editing directly from life, photographers found it difficult to see simultaneously both the blue and the sky"
John Szarkowski 1976

Hadrian's Wall is a spectacular World Heritage Site, marching 73 miles from sea to sea across some of the wildest and most dramatic country in England. A Wall that was build nearly 2000 years ago by the Roman Empire for protection from the Kelts of the north. Today, as the rugged landscape slowly reclaims the wall, it stands as a testament to the history of England . The Wall has been the backdrop for many films including Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, the tree at Steel Rigg is famous for being the mistletoe tree in the movie. The Tree however is not a mistletoe tree...

So often we get caught up in life we miss it, the world is a beautiful place natural art is all around us. Sometimes mankind compliments this canvas. Beauty can be found everywhere if we just open our eyes and take a breath to relax and enjoy.